
TrueBSD is a LiveDVD operating system based on FreeBSD (http://www.freebsd.org) with many useful applications. All open programs will keep working even when you eject LiveDVD (using command cdcontrol eject) in order to get some data from your own CDs. Just don't forget to insert the LiveDVD again before starting any other programs.
TrueBSD is distributed under BSD license, but some of the included software can be covered by some other license.

The current version (2.0-RC2) of TrueBSD is based on FreeBSD 7.1-PRERELEASE.


14.12.15: New site address: https://truebsdorg.github.io
27.01.12: There are no new releases, but we are alive! (:
19.05.09: Our TrueBSD jabber conference available at truebsd@conference.jabber.ru. Welcome!
15.11.08: TrueBSD 2.0-RC2 released
10.11.08: Create a Belarusian version of the site: https://truebsdorg.github.io/be
16.06.08: New forum available: https://truebsdorg.github.io/forum
20.05.08: Prepared for release 2.0-RC2
10.12.07: The complete handbook translated into English and made available here
23.11.07: TrueBSD 2.0-RC1 released
06.11.06: TrueBSD uses Metalinks for their distribution
01.11.06: TrueBSD 0.1-RELEASE released
12.07.06: Now TrueBSD can be installed on your hard disk. Read more about it here
07.07.06: TrueBSD 0.1-RC1 released